This book describes Thai counterinsurgency (COIN) strategies, operations, and tactics for three wars ranging from 1965-present. Some of its highlights:
Provides an insider’s view of 50 years of Thai national security and Irregular Warfare (IW) decision-making in a way that no book has previously done
Profiles the war against communist insurgents (1965-85); southern separatists (1980-1998); and southern separatists/Islamist jihadists (2004-present/2014)
Discuses major Thai defense and political personalities and the impact of their leadership
Contains lessons RE: strategizing and executing IW/COIN, including successes and failures
Covers military, political, and economic operations in detail
Based on IW monitoring and operations planning model devised by the author
Especially relevant for America’s “Asia pivot” and understanding Thailand, Southeast Asia, and China